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Please fill out this form on the day of your appointment before arriving to the studio. Thank you!

Tattoo Release Form

Please read and answer carefully

EATEN - Have you eaten in the past 4hrs? It's a good idea to before hand to increase your blood sugar levels.
PAYMENT - We are able to accept cash. For credit or debit cards there's a 2,6% transaction fee. We also accept PayPal (3% fee), and Venmo (3% fee) and other selected apps.
I Agree
BLOOD BOURNE PATHOGENS - Do you have any bloodbourne pathogens, transmittable diseases or recent illnesses? (It's okay if you do, we just want to know for our and other's safety).

If any provision, section, subsection, clause or phrase of this release is found to be unenforceable or invalid, that portion shall be severed from this contract. The remainder of this contract will then be construed as though the unenforceable portion had never been contained in this document.

Photo ID

Front of your ID
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